RIC-16 — Professional Radio Operator Certificates

Comments and suggestions may be directed to the following address: Industry Canada
c/o Spectrum Management Operations Branch
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H5 Attention: DOS-P email: ic.spectrumpublications-publicationsduspectre.ic@canada.ca All Spectrum Management and Telecommunications publications are available on the following website: http://www.ic.gc.ca/spectrum.

1. Intent

This document outlines procedures for obtaining any of the four professional radio operator certificates currently issued by Industry Canada.

2. Background

Canada issued its first professional radio operator certificate in 1912. Since then, a number of different radio operator certificates have been established in order to ensure that radio operators possess the level of expertise required. It should be noted that Canada does not currently have any reciprocal agreements with other foreign administrations which provide for an exchange of equivalent radio operator certificates. To ensure proficiency in marine communication, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has identified 4 levels of radio operator certification. However, in accordance with Canada’s mandatory equipment carriage regulations for commercial vessels, only 2 of these levels of radio operator certification are required in Canada.

3. General Information

Successful candidates are required to complete application form IC2382, Application for a Radio Operator’s Certificate . The information provided is used by the Department to produce the appropriate certificate and maintain certificate records. Examiners must be duly authorized by the Department and hold an equivalent or higher certificate than the certificate examination being administered.

4. Current Certificates

Currently, Industry Canada issues the following Professional Radio Operator Certificates:

4.1 Restricted Operator Certificate  Maritime (ROC-M)

This certificate is mainly intended for pleasure boaters, as they do not fall within the scope of Transport Canada’s Ship Station (Radio) Regulations, 1999 . As of September 1, 2000 , Industry Canada delegated the examination and administration of the ROC-M certification program to Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons (CPS) . Courses for this certificate are developed and delivered by private examiners and/or instructors associated with CPS. Application for this certificate can be obtained from CPS, and certificates are issued by CPS. Certificates are valid for life and there is no renewal requirement. No photograph of the holder is required, and there is no age or nationality restriction. Additional information concerning this certificate can be obtained by telephoning CPS at 1-888-CPS-BOAT (1-888-277-2628) or by visiting its website at www.cps-ecp.ca .

4.2 Restricted Operator Certificate  Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC)

The Restricted Operator Certificate  Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC) is intended for mariners, serving on compulsorily fitted commercial ships within the North American A1 Sea Area , as defined in Radio Aids to Marine Navigation . The ROC-MC is modeled on the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 , as amended (STCW 95 Regulation IV/2) .

4.2.1 Accreditation

Industry Canada accredits maritime organizations and training institutes to provide training and assessment for the ROC-MC in accordance with Radiocommunication Information Circular RIC-25 , Syllabus for the Restricted Operator’s Certificate — Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC) , and Client Procedures Circular CPC-2-7-04 , Accreditation of Institutes for Instruction of the ROC-MC and the GOC . For an accredited body in your area, please consult the list in Annex A of RIC-25 .

4.2.2 Application

Application form IC2382 will be supplied by the accredited bodies.

4.2.3 Training and Examination

In accordance with the procedures outlined in RIC-25 , the accredited body can offer a challenge exam, a 14-hour abridged course (10 hours of training and 4 hours of review and examination) and a complete 24-hour course (over 3 or 4 days, involving 20 hours of training and 4 hours of review and examination).

4.2.4 Eligibility

Candidates must be 18 years of age or older. There is no nationality restriction for this certificate.

4.2.5 Validation

The ROC-MC certificate is issued by Industry Canada once the accredited body submits the application form IC2382 confirming that a candidate has successfully completed the approved education and training. No photograph is required in order to obtain this certificate, which is good for life.

4.3 General Operator Certificate (GOC)

The GOC is Canada’s highest level of radio operator certificate for operators of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) . This certificate is mainly intended for personnel operating radio equipment while working on board compulsorily fitted vessels that sail in international sea areas and that are fitted with radio equipment in accordance with Transport Canada’s carriage requirements for these vessels and voyages.

4.3.1 Accreditation

Industry Canada accredits maritime organizations or institutes to provide training and assessment for the GOC certificate in accordance with Radiocommunication Information Circular RIC-26 , Syllabus for the General Operator Certificate (GOC) , and CPC-2-7-04. For an accredited body in your area, please consult the list in Annex A of RIC-26 .

4.3.2 Application

Application formIC2382 will be supplied by the accredited bodies.

4.3.3 Training and Examination

The accredited body can offer the complete 10-day training and assessment course in accordance with RIC-26 .

4.3.4 Eligibility

Candidates must be 18 years of age or older. There is no nationality restriction for this certificate.

4.3.5 Validation

This certificate is issued by Industry Canada once the accredited body submits the application form IC2382 confirming that a candidate has successfully completed the approved education and training. This certificate is valid for 5 years following the issue date and requires 2 identical photographs taken within the last 6 months showing head and shoulders, measuring 2.54 cm × 3.18 cm (1 inch × 1¼ inches) . The applicant must sign the back of the photographs. The photographs must be clear, well defined and taken against a plain white or light-coloured background. The applicant’s face must be square to the camera with a neutral expression. Non-tinted prescription glasses can be worn as long as the eyes are clearly visible and the frame does not cover any part of the eyes. Sunglasses are not acceptable. If a head covering must be worn for religious reasons, applicants must ensure that their full facial features are not obscured.

4.3.6 Reissue of GOCs