Selected response assessment example

After you create your objective assessment items and give your test, how can you be sure that the items are appropriate -- not too difficult and not too easy? How will you know if the test effectively differentiates between students who do well on the overall test and those who do not? An item analysis is a valuable, yet relatively easy, procedure that teachers can use to answer both of these questions.

To determine the difficulty level of test items, a measure called the Difficulty Index is used. This measure asks teachers to calculate the proportion of students who answered the test item accurately. By looking at each alternative (for multiple choice), we can also find out if there are answer choices that should be replaced. For example, let's say you gave a multiple choice quiz and there were four answer choices (A, B, C, and D). The following table illustrates how many students selected each answer choice for Question #1 and #2.

Question A B C D

* Denotes correct answer.

For Question #1, we can see that A was not a very good distractor -- no one selected that answer. We can also compute the difficulty of the item by dividing the number of students who choose the correct answer (24) by the number of total students (30). Using this formula, the difficulty of Question #1 (referred to as p) is equal to 24/30 or .80. A rough "rule-of-thumb" is that if the item difficulty is more than .75, it is an easy item; if the difficulty is below .25, it is a difficult item. Given these parameters, this item could be regarded moderately easy -- lots (80%) of students got it correct. In contrast, Question #2 is much more difficult (12/30 = .40). In fact, on Question #2, more students selected an incorrect answer (B) than selected the correct answer (A). This item should be carefully analyzed to ensure that B is an appropriate distractor.

Another measure, the Discrimination Index, refers to how well an assessment differentiates between high and low scorers. In other words, you should be able to expect that the high-performing students would select the correct answer for each question more often than the low-performing students. If this is true, then the assessment is said to have a positive discrimination index (between 0 and 1) -- indicating that students who received a high total score chose the correct answer for a specific item more often than the students who had a lower overall score. If, however, you find that more of the low-performing students got a specific item correct, then the item has a negative discrimination index (between -1 and 0). Let's look at an example.

Table 2 displays the results of ten questions on a quiz. Note that the students are arranged with the top overall scorers at the top of the table.