Rapid, life-saving treatment for stroke

When a stroke occurs, every second counts. Advocate Health Care delivers immediate care to patients experiencing acute strokes – when the treatment window is limited. Our highly trained specialists use the latest imaging technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) software, and breakthrough, minimally invasive treatments to improve patient outcomes and reduce long-term deficits.

Following a stroke, our rehabilitation experts go to work, helping you progress on the road to recovery. We work to preserve your life and your quality of life.

What sets us apart:

Symptoms of strokes

It’s vital to know what a stroke looks like. If you or a loved one has any of the stroke symptoms below, call 911 and seek immediate medical attention. Every second counts to preserve brain functions.

To remember the symptoms of a stroke, remember to B.E. F.A.S.T.:

B = Balance Does the person have sudden loss of balance or coordination?
E = Eyes Is their vision blurred? Do they have double vision or sudden trouble seeing out of one or both eyes?
F = Face Can they smile? Does one side of their face sag or droop?
A = Arms Can they raise both arms? Or does one arm drift downward?
S = Speech Is their speech slurred or strange-sounding? Can they repeat a single sentence? Can they understand what you’re saying to them?
T = Terrible headache and time to call 911 Sudden onset of a terrible headache or “the worst headache of their life”

Problems with balance, sight, facial muscles, arms and speech all arise from involuntary or abnormal muscle function (dyskinesia) caused by the stroke.

Types of stroke – hemorrhagic, ischemic & more

According to the American Stroke Association, stroke is the No. 5 cause of death in the U.S. and it’s a leading cause of disability.

All types of stroke are dangerous and can lead to death. The two main types have different causes are and treated in almost opposite ways. One main type needs treatment to make your blood clot and the other needs treatment to break up blood clots. Our doctors will run tests to determine what type you have in order to treat you correctly while it’s happening and afterward.

Types of stroke: