Property Division Laws in Divorce: 50-State Survey

As a divorce looms, a person may worry about what will happen to their property and whether their finances will suffer a devastating blow. A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can avert this concern by outlining specifically what will happen to property if a marriage ends. If this contract is properly executed, a court likely will uphold its terms. If there is no pre-existing arrangement for property division, the divorcing spouses can negotiate a marital settlement agreement. This allows them to determine who gets what after the divorce without relying on a court.

If the spouses cannot reach an agreement, however, a court must divide their property under the laws of their state. Forty-one states and Washington, D.C. use a system known as equitable distribution. This means that a court will divide property in a way that is fair under the circumstances. Many equitable distribution states provide a statutory list of factors that a court must consider in dividing property, while other states have relied on courts to determine these factors. “Fair” does not necessarily mean “equal.” In practice, though, courts often find that an equitable distribution is an even or nearly even split.

The nine remaining states are known as community property states. While this is a relatively small number, it accounts for a quarter of the U.S. population. The community property states are Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. Under a community property system, most income, assets, and debts accumulated during a marriage are considered jointly held by both spouses. In some community property states, such as California, community property generally must be divided equally between the spouses in a divorce. Other community property states take a more flexible approach. For example, Texas does not require community property to be equally divided. States like Arizona and Nevada strongly favor a 50/50 split but give courts some discretion to deviate if needed.

Meanwhile, five equitable distribution states allow spouses to opt into a community property system if they prefer. These states are Alaska, Florida, Kentucky, South Dakota, and Tennessee. Spouses who are interested in exercising this option may want to consult a family lawyer to make sure that it is right for them and that they follow all of the applicable rules.

Click on a state below to find out more about how property is divided in a divorce there.


Alabama is an equitable distribution state.

The Code of Alabama does not provide specific factors to consider in making an equitable distribution of the marital estate. Courts thus have significant discretion in Alabama property division cases. According to the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, factors that a court may consider include:

A statute provides specific rules for allocating retirement benefits during the equitable distribution process.


Alaska is generally an equitable distribution state, but spouses can opt into a community property system.

The equitable distribution system in Alaska allows a court to provide for the division between the parties of their property acquired during the marriage in a just manner and without regard to which of the parties is at fault. Alaska property division law states that the division of property must fairly allocate the economic effect of divorce by being based on a consideration of the following factors:

In making the division, the court may invade the property of either spouse acquired before the marriage when the balancing of the equities between the parties requires it.

Meanwhile, the Alaska Community Property Act provides that property of spouses may be community property to the extent provided in a community property agreement or a community property trust. A community property agreement must be contained in a written document signed by both spouses and classify some or all of the property of the spouses as community property. Creating a community property trust involves transferring property to a trust that declares that some or all of the property transferred is community property, among other requirements. The trust must be signed by both spouses, and both spouses or either spouse may be a trustee.


Arizona is a community property state.

Arizona law defines community property as all property acquired by either spouse during the marriage, except for property that is acquired by gift, devise, or descent, or property that is acquired after service of a divorce petition that results in a divorce decree. In a divorce proceeding, a court will assign the sole and separate property of each spouse to that spouse. Arizona property division law then provides that the court will divide the community, joint tenancy, and other property held in common equitably without regard to marital misconduct. Property acquired by either spouse outside Arizona is considered to be community property if it would have been community property had it been acquired in Arizona. In dividing property, a court may consider the debts and obligations that are related to the property.

The Arizona Supreme Court has explained that an equal distribution of joint property will be the most equitable result in most cases. In other words, all marital joint property should be divided substantially equally unless sound reason exists to divide the property otherwise.


Arkansas is an equitable distribution state.

Although Arkansas is an equitable distribution state, Arkansas property division law provides that marital property (as defined by statute) must be distributed 50/50 between the parties unless the court finds this division to be inequitable. If the court makes a division other than a 50/50 split, it must consider certain factors:

A court that uses these factors to make a division other than a 50/50 split must include in the order the reasons for not dividing the marital property equally. Non-marital property must be returned to the party who owned it before the marriage, unless the court finds that a different division would be equitable, considering the factors listed above. If the court reaches this conclusion, it must state its reasons for not returning the property to the party who owned it at the time of the marriage.


California is a community property state.

California law generally provides that all property, wherever it is located, is community property when it is acquired by a married person during the marriage while domiciled in California. In a divorce proceeding, California property division law generally requires that a court must divide the community estate of the parties equally, unless the parties have a written agreement to the contrary. For this purpose, the court generally must value the assets and liabilities as near as practicable to the time of trial. When the economic circumstances warrant, the court may award an asset of the community estate to a party on such conditions as the court finds proper to effect a substantially equal division of the community estate.


Colorado is an equitable distribution state.

Colorado property division law provides that a court will divide the marital property, as defined by statute, without accounting for marital misconduct. The marital property must be divided in such proportions as the court deems just after considering all of the relevant factors. These include:

There is generally a rebuttable presumption that property acquired by either spouse after the marriage and prior to a decree of legal separation is marital property, regardless of how title is held. An asset of a spouse that was acquired before the marriage generally will be considered marital property to the extent that its present value exceeds its value at the time of the marriage.


Connecticut is an equitable distribution state.

Unlike some equitable distribution states, Connecticut does not distinguish between marital and separate property. Instead, Connecticut property division law provides that a court may assign to either spouse all or any part of the estate of the other spouse when entering a decree of divorce, annulment, or legal separation. In determining the nature and value of the property to be assigned, the court will consider certain factors:

If a court finds that it would be appropriate, it may pass title to real property to either party or a third party, or it may order the sale of the real property.


Delaware is an equitable distribution state.

Delaware property division law provides that a court must equitably divide, distribute, and assign the marital property (as defined by statute) between the parties in the proportions that the court finds just. The court must not consider marital misconduct during this process. Instead, it must consider all relevant factors, such as:

There is a rebuttable presumption that property acquired by either party after the marriage is marital property, regardless of how title is held.


Florida is generally an equitable distribution state, but spouses can opt into a community property system.

The equitable distribution system in Florida requires a court to set apart to each spouse their non-marital assets and liabilities before distributing the marital assets and liabilities between the parties. Florida property division law directs a court to begin with the premise that the distribution should be equal, unless there is a justification for an unequal distribution based on all of the relevant factors. These include:

Meanwhile, the Florida Community Property Trust Act provides that the property owned by a community property trust pursuant to this law and the appreciation of and income from such property will be considered community property for the purposes of general law. Creating a community property trust involves transferring property to a trust that declares that the trust is a community property trust. The trust must have at least one trustee who is a qualified trustee, must be signed by both settlor spouses consistent with the formalities required for the execution of a trust, and must contain certain statutorily required language.


Georgia is an equitable distribution state.

The Georgia Code does not provide specific factors to consider in making an equitable distribution of property. A court thus has broad discretion in a Georgia property division case. The Georgia Supreme Court has approved instructions that asked a jury to consider the following factors:

However, this list is not exhaustive, and any other relevant fact or circumstance may be considered.


Hawaii is an equitable distribution state.

Under Hawaii property division law, a court may make orders that are just and equitable in dividing and distributing the estate of the parties, whether community, joint, or separate. A court also may allocate between the parties the responsibility for the payment of the debts of the parties, whether community, joint, or separate. In making these orders and others related to a divorce, a court must consider factors such as:

Any divorce decree that does not specifically state that the final division of the property of the parties is reserved for further hearing, decision, and orders will finally divide the property of the parties.


Idaho is a community property state.

Idaho law defines separate property as all property of a spouse owned by them before the marriage, as well as property acquired afterward by gift, bequest, devise, or descent and property acquired with the proceeds of separate property. All other property acquired after the marriage by either spouse is community property. Idaho property division law provides that a court must assign community property in a divorce in proportions that the court finds just, considering all the facts of the case and the condition of the parties. Unless there are compelling reasons otherwise, there must be a substantially equal division in value, considering debts. Factors that may affect whether a division should be equal or the manner of division include:

If a homestead has been selected from the community property, it may be assigned to either party. The assignment may be absolute if it is considered in the distribution of the community property, or it may be for a limited period, subject to the future disposition of the court. The homestead also may be divided, or it may be sold and the proceeds divided.


Illinois is an equitable distribution state.

In a divorce proceeding, an Illinois court will assign the non-marital property of each spouse to that spouse. Illinois property division law provides that the court will divide the marital property without regard to marital misconduct in just proportions, considering factors such as:

A court also may consider any other factors that may be relevant. Each spouse has a species of common ownership in the marital property that vests when divorce proceedings are commenced and continues during the duration of the action.


Indiana is an equitable distribution state.

Although Indiana is an equitable distribution state, a court must presume that an equal division of the marital property between the parties is just and reasonable. Indiana property division law provides that a party may rebut this presumption if they present relevant evidence that an equal division would not be just and reasonable. This evidence should include evidence concerning the following factors:

A court will divide the property of the parties whether it was owned by either spouse before the marriage, acquired by either spouse in their own right after the marriage and before the final separation, or acquired by their joint efforts. Moreover, in determining what is just and reasonable in dividing property, a court will consider the tax consequences of the property disposition with respect to the present and future economic circumstances of each party. If there is little or no marital property, a court may award either spouse a money judgment not limited to the property existing at the time of final separation for the financial contribution of that spouse toward tuition, books, and laboratory fees for the post-secondary education of the other spouse.


Iowa is an equitable distribution state.

A court resolving a divorce in Iowa must divide all property equitably between the parties, except for inherited property or gifts received or expected by one party. Iowa property division law requires a court to consider all of the following factors in dividing property:

Property inherited or gifts received by either party before or during the marriage are not subject to property division, unless a refusal to divide that property would be inequitable to the other party or the children of the marriage.


Kansas is an equitable distribution state.

A divorce decree in Kansas will divide the property of the parties, including any retirement and pension plans, whether it was owned by either spouse before the marriage, acquired by either spouse in their own right after marriage, or acquired by the joint efforts of the spouses. Kansas property division law provides that the court must consider the following factors:

Upon request, the court will set a valuation date to be used for all assets, which may be the date of separation, filing, or trial. However, the court may consider evidence regarding changes in the value of various assets before and after the valuation date.


Kentucky is generally an equitable distribution state, but spouses can opt into a community property system.

The equitable distribution system in Kentucky requires a court to assign each spouse’s property to them. Kentucky property division law provides that the court then will divide the marital property without regard to marital misconduct in just proportions, considering all relevant factors. These include:

Meanwhile, the Kentucky Community Property Trust Act provides that spouses may classify any or all of their property as community property by transferring property to a community property trust and providing in the trust that the property is community property. Creating a community property trust involves transferring property to a trust that declares that the trust is a Kentucky community property trust that meets statutory requirements. The trust must have at least one qualified trustee, must be signed by both spouses, and must contain certain required language.


Louisiana is a community property state.

Louisiana law defines community property as property acquired during the marriage through the effort, skill, or industry of either spouse. It also includes:

Louisiana property division law provides that a court will divide the community assets and liabilities so that each spouse receives property of an equal net value. In allocating assets and liabilities, the court may divide a particular asset or liability equally or unequally, or it may allocate it in its entirety to a spouse, considering the nature and source of the asset or liability, the economic condition of each spouse, and any other circumstances that the court finds relevant. If the allocation of assets and liabilities results in an unequal net distribution, the court will order the payment of an equalizing sum of money. If the allocation of an asset, in whole or in part, would be inequitable to a party, the court may order the parties to draw lots for the asset or may order the private sale of the asset on terms and conditions that the court finds proper.


Maine is an equitable distribution state.

Maine property division law provides that a court will divide the marital property, as defined by statute, in proportions that the court finds just after considering all of the relevant factors. These include:

There is a rebuttable presumption that property acquired by either spouse after the marriage and before a decree of legal separation is marital property, regardless of how title is held.


Maryland is an equitable distribution state.

After a Maryland court determines which property is marital property and values the marital property, the court may transfer ownership of an interest in certain property described by statute, grant a monetary award, or both as an adjustment of the equities and rights of the parties concerning marital property, regardless of whether alimony is awarded. Maryland property division law provides that a court must consider certain factors in determining the amount and the method of payment of a monetary award, or the terms of the transfer of the interest in property, or both:

Several additional statutory provisions apply specifically to the family home and family use personal property.


Massachusetts is an equitable distribution state.

In addition to or instead of a judgment to pay alimony, a court in Massachusetts may assign to either party all or any part of the estate of the other. Massachusetts property division law provides that this includes vested and non-vested benefits, rights, and funds accrued during the marriage. In determining the nature and value of the property to be assigned, the court will consider the following factors:

In addition, the court may consider the contribution of each party in the acquisition, preservation, or appreciation in value of their respective estates and the contribution of each party as a homemaker to the family unit.


Michigan is an equitable distribution state.

Michigan statutes do not provide specific factors that courts must consider in determining an equitable distribution during a divorce. However, the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that certain factors must be considered in a Michigan property division case when they are relevant to the circumstances of the particular case:

Additional factors may be relevant to a particular case, such as any interruption to the personal career or education of either party.


Minnesota is an equitable distribution state.

Minnesota property division law requires a court to make a just and equitable division of the marital property of the parties without regard to marital misconduct. The court must base its findings on all relevant factors, including:

It is conclusively presumed that each spouse made a substantial contribution to the acquisition of income and property while the spouses were living together.


Mississippi is an equitable distribution state.

The Mississippi Code does not provide specific factors that a court must consider in a Mississippi property division case. However, the Mississippi Supreme Court has directed courts to evaluate the division of marital assets by considering certain factors:

Expert testimony may be essential to establish valuation sufficient to equitably divide property, especially when the assets are diverse.


Missouri is an equitable distribution state.

Missouri property division law provides that a court must set apart to each spouse their non-marital property and divide the marital property, as defined by statute, in proportions that the court deems just after considering all of the relevant factors. These include:

There is a rebuttable presumption that property acquired by either spouse after the marriage and before a decree of legal separation or dissolution of marriage is marital property, regardless of how title is held. Property that otherwise would be non-marital property does not become marital property solely because it may have become commingled with marital property.


Montana is an equitable distribution state.

Montana property division law provides that a court will equitably apportion between the parties the property and assets belonging to either or both of them, however and whenever they were acquired and regardless of whether the title to the property and assets is in the name of either spouse or both. Property division will be conducted without regard to marital misconduct. In making its distribution, the court will consider:

In dividing property that was acquired before the marriage, property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or descent, or property acquired in exchange for these types of property, as well as the increased value of property acquired prior to the marriage and property acquired by a spouse after a decree of legal separation, a court will consider those contributions of the other spouse to the marriage. These include the non-monetary contribution of a homemaker, the extent to which the contributions have facilitated the maintenance of the property, and whether the property division serves as an alternative to maintenance arrangements.


Nebraska is an equitable distribution state.

Nebraska statutes direct courts to conduct a similar process when determining property division as when calculating alimony payments. Nebraska property division law provides that a court may order a reasonable division of property or alimony, having regard for the following factors:

While the criteria for property division and alimony may overlap, the statute notes that these processes serve different purposes and should be considered separately. The purpose of property division is to distribute the marital assets equitably between the parties.


Nevada is a community property state.

The general rule in Nevada is that property acquired after marriage by either spouse or both spouses is community property, except for property that one spouse acquired after the marriage by gift, bequest, devise, or descent or by an award for personal injury damages, as well as the rents, issues, and profits of that property. Nevada property division law provides that a court granting a divorce must make an equal disposition of the community property of the parties to the extent practicable. However, the court may make an unequal disposition of the community property in proportions that it finds just if the court finds a compelling reason to do so and sets forth in writing the reasons for making the unequal disposition.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire is an equitable distribution state.

Although New Hampshire is an equitable distribution state, New Hampshire property division law provides that a court will presume that an equal division is an equitable distribution, unless the court decides that an equal division would not be appropriate or equitable. In reaching that determination, a court may consider the following factors:

In addition, a court may consider any other factor that it deems relevant.

New Jersey

New Jersey is an equitable distribution state.

New Jersey property division law provides numerous factors that a court must consider in dividing property. These include:

A court also may consider other factors that it may find relevant. There is a rebuttable presumption that each party made a substantial financial or non-financial contribution to the acquisition of income and property while the party was married.

New Mexico

New Mexico is a community property state.

Under New Mexico law, community property generally means property acquired by either or both spouses during the marriage that is not defined by statute as separate property. Property acquired by the spouses by an instrument in writing is presumed to be held as community property unless it meets the definition of separate property. The New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled that it is the duty of a court in a New Mexico property division case to divide equally the property of the community.

New York

New York is an equitable distribution state.

While separate property will remain separate in a New York divorce, marital property will be distributed equitably between the parties, considering the circumstances of the case and the respective parties. New York property division law provides that a court must consider the following factors:

A court also may consider any other factor that it expressly finds to be just and proper. If the court determines that an equitable distribution is appropriate but would be impractical or burdensome, the court instead will make a distributive award to achieve equity between the parties. The court also has the discretion to make a distributive award to supplement, facilitate, or effectuate a distribution of marital property.

North Carolina

North Carolina is an equitable distribution state.

Although North Carolina is an equitable distribution state, a court will order an equal division by using the net value of marital property and the net value of divisible property unless the court determines that an equal division is not equitable. In that situation, North Carolina property division law provides that the court will consider all of the following factors in dividing property:

A court also may consider any other factor that it finds to be just and proper. A court will provide for an equitable distribution without considering alimony or child support.

North Dakota

North Dakota is an equitable distribution state.

North Dakota property division law provides that a court must make an equitable distribution of the property and debts of the parties when a divorce is granted. The North Dakota Supreme Court has outlined the factors to consider during this process:

Although the distribution does not need to be equal, a substantial disparity must be explained.


Ohio is an equitable distribution state.

Although Ohio is an equitable distribution state, Ohio property division law provides that the division of marital property generally will be equal. However, if an equal division of marital property would be inequitable, a court will divide the marital property between the spouses in the manner that it determines to be equitable. In making a division of marital property, a court must consider all of the relevant factors, including:

A court also may consider any other factor that it expressly finds to be relevant and equitable. The holding of title to property by one spouse individually or by both spouses in a form of co-ownership generally does not determine whether that property is marital or separate.


Oklahoma is an equitable distribution state.

Oklahoma property division law provides that a court will divide property that has been acquired by the parties jointly during their marriage between the parties in a way that appears just and reasonable. However, the statute does not provide a specific list of factors for courts to consider. Courts thus have substantial discretion in dividing property. The Oklahoma Supreme Court has ruled that the duty of a court primarily involves the determination, upon equitable grounds, of the extent of each party’s rights in the property in view of their respective conduct and efforts as the contributing factors. The question of need is not relevant, and the matter of personal conduct is material only to the extent that it may reflect the existence or non-existence of that endeavor that contributed to the creation of the estate.


Oregon is an equitable distribution state.

Oregon property division law states that a court may provide in a divorce judgment for a division or other disposition between the parties of the property of either or both of the parties that is just and proper in all the circumstances. A retirement plan or pension is considered property. A court must consider the contribution of a party as a homemaker as a contribution to the acquisition of marital assets. There is generally a rebuttable presumption that both parties have contributed equally to the acquisition of property during the marriage, regardless of whether this property is jointly or separately held. (Property acquired by gift to one party during the marriage and separately held by that party since then is not subject to the presumption.) In arriving at a just and proper division of property, the court must consider reasonable costs of sale of assets, taxes, and any other costs reasonably anticipated by the parties.

The Oregon Supreme Court has found that an inquiry into a just and proper division must take into account the social and financial objectives of the dissolution, as well as any other considerations that bear on the question of what division of the marital property is equitable. These equitable considerations may include:

However, these considerations will vary according to the individual circumstances of the parties, and a trial court’s ultimate determination as to what property division is just and proper in all the circumstances is a matter of discretion.


Pennsylvania is an equitable distribution state.

A Pennsylvania court will equitably divide, distribute, or assign the marital property between the parties without regard to marital misconduct in such percentages and in such manner as the court deems just after considering all of the relevant factors. Pennsylvania property division law provides that factors relevant to an equitable division of marital property include:

A court may award the right to reside in the marital residence to one or both of the parties.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island is an equitable distribution state.

In addition to or instead of an order to pay spousal support related to a divorce, a Rhode Island court may assign to either spouse a portion of the estate of the other spouse. Rhode Island property division law provides that a court must consider the following factors in determining the nature and value of the property to be assigned:

The court must not assign property held in the name of one of the parties if the property was held by the party prior to the marriage, but it may assign income that has been derived from the property during the term of the marriage. The court also may assign the appreciation of value from the date of the marriage of property that was held in the name of one party prior to the marriage but increased in value as a result of the efforts of either spouse during the marriage. Property transferred to one of the parties by inheritance or by a gift from a third party before, during, or after the term of the marriage must not be assigned. Any assignment of property must precede an alimony award.

South Carolina

South Carolina is an equitable distribution state.

In a divorce proceeding, a South Carolina court will make a final equitable apportionment between the parties of their marital property. South Carolina property division law provides that the court must give weight in the proportion that it finds appropriate to all of the following factors:

A court also may consider any other relevant factors that it expressly enumerates in its order.

South Dakota

South Dakota is generally an equitable distribution state, but spouses can opt into a community property system.

The equitable distribution system in South Dakota provides that a court may make an equitable division of the property belonging to either or both spouses, regardless of which spouse holds the title to the property. South Dakota property division law requires a court making a division of property to have regard for equity and the circumstances of the parties. The South Dakota Supreme Court has found that factors to guide a court in classifying and dividing property include:

Meanwhile, a South Dakota law on special spousal trusts provides that spouses may classify all or any of their property as special spousal property by transferring property to a South Dakota special spousal trust and expressly declaring in the trust that the property is community property. The trust must be signed by both spouses, and it must contain certain language required by statute.


Tennessee is generally an equitable distribution state, but spouses can opt into a community property system.

The equitable distribution system in Tennessee provides that a court may equitably divide, distribute, or assign the marital property between the parties, without regard to marital fault, in proportions that the court finds just. Tennessee property division law requires a court to consider all of the relevant factors, including:

A court may award the family home and household effects, or the right to live in the family home and use the household effects for a reasonable period, to either party, but it must give special consideration to a spouse having physical custody of a child or children of the marriage.

Meanwhile, the Tennessee Community Property Trust Act provides that spouses may classify any or all of their property as community property by transferring property to a community property trust and providing in the trust that the property is community property. Creating a community property trust requires transferring property to a trust that expressly declares that the trust is a Tennessee community property trust. The trust must have at least one qualified trustee, must be signed by both spouses, and must contain certain required language.


Texas is a community property state.

Under Texas law, community property consists of property acquired by either spouse during the marriage, other than separate property. Separate property is defined as the property owned or claimed by the spouse before the marriage, the property acquired by the spouse during the marriage by gift, devise, or descent, and the recovery for personal injuries sustained by the spouse during the marriage, except any recovery for loss of earning capacity during the marriage.

Texas property division law provides that a court must order a division of the estate of the parties in a manner that the court finds just and right, having due regard for the rights of each party and any children of the marriage. In other words, community property does not need to be equally divided. The Texas Supreme Court has explained that a trial court may consider factors such as:

In exercising its discretion, the trial court may consider many factors, and an appellate court will presume that the trial court exercised its discretion properly.


Utah is an equitable distribution state.

Utah property division law provides that a court rendering a divorce decree may include equitable orders related to the property and debts or obligations of the parties, among other matters. Every divorce decree must include an order specifying which party is responsible for the payment of joint debts, obligations, or liabilities of the parties contracted or incurred during the marriage. However, Utah statutes do not provide specific factors that courts must consider in making an equitable distribution.

Instead, the Utah Supreme Court has provided a list of factors that courts generally should consider in dividing property:

In appropriate circumstances, equity will require that each party retain the separate property brought to the marriage, but this rule is not invariable. Courts must consider all of the pertinent circumstances.


Vermont is an equitable distribution state.

A Vermont court will settle the rights of the parties in a divorce to their property by including in its judgment provisions that equitably divide and assign the property. All of the property owned by either or both of the parties, regardless of how and when it was acquired, is subject to this division. Vermont property division law provides that a court may consider all of the relevant factors, including:

Title to the property is immaterial, unless an equitable distribution can be made without disturbing separate property.


Virginia is an equitable distribution state.

A Virginia court generally will have no authority to order the division or transfer of separate property or marital property (or separate or marital debt) that is not jointly owned or owed. However, Virginia property division law provides that a court may divide or transfer jointly owned marital property or jointly owed marital debt, based on the following factors:

Upon a finding that separate property of one party is in the possession or control of the other party, the court may order that the property be transferred to the party whose separate property it is.


Washington is a community property state.

Under Washington law, property that does not meet the definition of separate property and is acquired after marriage by either spouse or both spouses is considered community property. (Separate property is defined as the property and pecuniary rights owned by a spouse before marriage and those acquired by them afterward by gift, bequest, devise, descent, or inheritance, as well as the rents, issues, and profits thereof.)

Washington property division law provides that a court must make a disposition of the property and liabilities of the parties, either community or separate, that appears just and equitable. This involves considering factors such as:

A court also may consider any other relevant factors, although it cannot consider misconduct by a spouse.

Washington D.C.

Washington, D.C. is an equitable distribution jurisdiction.

If there is no valid prenuptial or postnuptial agreement resolving all issues related to property, a court entering a final divorce decree will assign to each party their sole and separate property. The court also will value and distribute all other property and debt accumulated during the marriage that has not been addressed in a valid prenuptial or postnuptial agreement or a decree of legal separation in a manner that is equitable, just, and reasonable. Washington, D.C. property division law requires a court to consider the following factors:

A court also may consider any other relevant factors. Marital property is subject to distribution regardless of whether title is held individually or jointly.

West Virginia

West Virginia is an equitable distribution state.

Although West Virginia is an equitable distribution state, West Virginia property division law provides that a court must presume that all marital property should be divided equally between the parties in the absence of a valid agreement. However, a court may alter this distribution after a consideration of the following factors:

Except for a consideration of the economic consequences of conduct, fault or marital misconduct will not be considered in determining the proper distribution of marital property.


Wisconsin is a community property state.

In Wisconsin, all property of spouses that was acquired during the marriage is marital property unless it is classified otherwise by statute. Wisconsin property division law excludes certain types of property from division in a divorce, but a court must presume that property not excluded should be divided equally between the parties. However, a court may alter this distribution without regard to marital misconduct after considering the following factors:

A court also may consider other factors that it determines to be relevant in an individual case. Property that is not normally subject to division may be divided if the court finds that refusing to divide the property will create a hardship on the other party or the children of the marriage.


Wyoming is an equitable distribution state.

Wyoming property division law provides that a court granting a divorce will make a disposition of the property of the parties that appears just and equitable. A court must take into account the following factors:

A specific provision in the statute prevents a court from taking certain actions involving veterans in divorce. The Wyoming Supreme Court has stated that a just and equitable distribution is as likely as not to be unequal.

Last reviewed November 2022

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