El diamante bell schedule

Thinking about playing sports at the next level? Check out our Honest Game Eligibility and Recruiting 101 webinar on October 21, 2024 at 6:00pm. Check out the attached flyer for registration information.

We are already signed up but now we need your help! Help us earn the change to get a stadium on our campus. Create your own social media post and add the following: #FN5GL #sweepstakes and tag both @TMobile and @all4theminers. The more we tag the more chances we have. Note - it must be an original post not a repost and must include BOTH the 2 hashtags and the 2 handle tags

It's that time of year where heat is a factor. Please note that as a district we have a policy where practices may continue up to 105 degrees but when the weather reaches 106 (according to the national weather service website) we must move all outdoor activities indoors or postpone until later in the evening when the temperature drops. Begining July 1, 2024, we will implement the new CIF rule and use a wet bulb thermometer for this calculation. Our coaches will do their best to alert you as soon as practices/games are determined to be delayed or cancelled. Please communicate with your coach if you have any further questions and thank you for your patience.

If you have an article or photo you would like to see on the website, please share with kwatamura@vusd.org.