9 Full BDSM Checklists – Including Limits, Fetishes & Activities

Imagine a FemDom in latex with her sub in a full gimp mask. They look like they have total confidence in their roles in their fetish relationship.

But getting that that place probably required tough conversations. Communication and boundary setting are important. Just like in any other relationship. it takes work!

That's where our BDSM checklists come in.

They're an easy way to set your limits and interests before horny-hormones cloud your judgment. BDSM checklists provide a clear and organised way to communicate about BDSM activities and practices.

By creating the checklist beforehand, you and your partner can have a structured and thoughtful conversation about what you both want and are comfortable with.

This can help prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications and ensures everyone is comfortable with what is happening.

Don’t worry - you don’t have to come up with your own! We've got checklists for literally EVERYTHING in this article. But first, a little background information, so you know how to use them properly.

Table of Contents

What Is A BDSM checklist?

A list of activities or practices people can use to help them plan and communicate about BDSM scenes or sessions.

The checklist can include things like the specific activities that will be involved, the boundaries and limits of each person, the use of safewords, equipment needed - like these kinky furniture pieces, and any other relevant information.

The idea behind the checklist is to help ensure that everyone involved in the BDSM activity is on the same page and is comfortable with what is happening, and can make the BDSM experience safer and more enjoyable for all parties involved.

Is There Room For Negotiation?

To negotiate a BDSM checklist, you and your partner should discuss your desires, boundaries, and limits. This can be done through open and honest communication and may involve discussing your experiences, fantasies, and preferences. It's essential to listen to each other and respect each other's boundaries and limits.

Once you have a general idea of what you both want, you can create the BDSM checklist. This can involve listing out the specific activities or practices you want to include and any boundaries or limits you want to set. It's essential to be clear and specific in your descriptions and make sure that you agree to and understand everything on the checklist.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a partner - you can use a checklist to explore your fetishes and set limits. It’s also okay if you don’t completely match with your partner! After you fill out your lists, you can compare them and discuss areas where you don’t match up. You can discuss how important activities are to your satisfaction and decide where to go from there.

It's also a good idea to discuss the use of safewords and to agree on a system for checking in with each other during the BDSM scene or session. Once you have completed the BDSM checklist, review it and make any necessary revisions or adjustments. It's also important to remember that the BDSM checklist is not a static document and that you and your partner can always revisit and update it as needed.