Is postdating a sealed document legal

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Eric Starr Special Counsel Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

Email 704-348-5190 HB Ad Slot Backdating: What To Do … and Not To Do Friday, March 3, 2023

Legal Documents Backdating process

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Attorneys are regularly asked about or faced with the request to backdate a document or set of documents. We are also at times asked about the acceptableness of a document that has been backdated. This article explores the practice of backdating and sets forth a high-level framework that can guide business people and lawyers as to the acceptable use of the practice.

To many lay people, the term “backdating” has negative connotations. Ten to fifteen years ago, the practice of backdating stock options was a hot topic for journalists and the subject of many court cases, one of the more notable and press-worthy being a case involving options issued to then-Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Large public companies employed the practice of awarding options to executives that were dated on an earlier date, when the company’s stock price was lower (or much lower in some cases). The effect of such fictitious dating is that it allows the executive to then exercise the option at a steep discount to the current stock price, instantly showing a significant gain on the actual cash invested. In the case of the Apple options, Jobs stood to gain $20 million in the arbitrage (the options were returned unexercised in the wake of the scandal that followed).

But options are just one of a myriad of documents, legal or otherwise, that might be backdated. The fact is, the practice of backdating involves a wide range of conduct and an array of different possible contracts and documents. Simply put, not all backdating is unethical or inappropriate. In fact, backdating is a common business practice that is an important and necessary tool . if utilized appropriately.

Below we examine some of the different ways in which backdating is permissible, as well as some in which it is not.

Instances and examples in which backdating would be appropriate:

Instances and examples in which backdating would not be appropriate:

So which is it?

There is no bright-line test that governs backdating. When faced with determining the appropriateness or inappropriateness of backdating a document, there are several important considerations that should be weighed.

Final thoughts

Ideally, all documents would be signed simultaneously on the date of effectiveness, but that is simply not always practical, realistic or commercially reasonable in the modern world. Consequently, backdating documents, when done appropriately, can become an essential tool for today’s business lawyers.